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I can help you define and develop practical skills in the areas of Self-Defense, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Arrest and Control, Jeet Kune Do, Kalis Ilustrisimo, Grappling, Kali/Eskrima, and more!!

Hi! My name is Roy Harris. My extensive training background allows me to craft custom-made programs to meet a group or an individual’s needs!

Over the years, I’ve had numerous requests to develop programs suited for groups and/or individual needs – whether they were CEOs, housewives, SEALs, senior citizens, police academy recruits, visually challenged individuals, pilots, federal law enforcement personnel, etc…

I am different, as an instructor, because my main focus is skill development within the confines of martial arts, self-defense, arrest & control, and combatives. Let me explain:

When I use the words “skill development”, I use them to mean more than just cool-sounding marketing words. The phrase should mean something real”, “tangible”, meaningful” and more importantly, “measurable!”

Over the years, I’ve asked several questions to black belts – in various styles – and have listened to silence while watching their eyes roam to and fro in search of words. Here are the questions:

1. What is the definition of the word “SKILL”?

2. After listening to silence for 30-40 seconds, I asked a follow-up question: “If you can’t define what this word means, and you’re a black belt, how do you know when the student actually possesses a skill?” Most black belts replied, “When I see the student perform the technique during sparring!” I replied, “So then, if my 330 lb., former bodybuilder turned powerlifter, white belt student (who’s only been training for two months) spars with your 150 lbs., two-stripe blue belt and taps them out with the Americana technique, does that mean my student has more skill than yours?” We both agreed that size, strength, and athleticism played a role in that outcome. Then, I asked him the pivotal question…

3. “How then do you MEASURE skill?” Again, I was met with a lot of silence – because I was asking a question they hadn’t thought about.

While there is a lot more I could say about this topic, let me end by saying this:

If you’re looking for an instructor who can teach you more than just a wide variety of TECHNIQUES, someone who will care about your progress, then I am your guy!

Send me an email and let’s get started!

Roy Harris

What I offer

I offer my clients and students the opportunity to train with me in. a variety of ways. Here they are:

1. F2F (face-to-face) Private Training. This is where we meet at my private training facility in San Diego, in your home or place of business, or at some neutral location.

2. Online Private Training. This is where we meet using one of the various online video formats to conduct our training.

3. Seminars. This is where a host organizes and provides a training facility for me to teach a small or large group of students.

If you’d like to begin training, send me an email, and let’s talk.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Roy Harris